Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nepal Bank Limited

Bank Overview


His Majesty King Tribhuvan inaugurated Nepal Bank Limited on Kartik 30,1994 Bikram Sambat. This maarked the beginning of an era of formal banking in Nepal. Until then all monetary tractions were carried out by private dealers and trading center.

Then Prime Minister Maharaja Juddha Shumsher J.B.R. speaking on the occasion with the kind permission of His Majesty the King stated this work which is being done in the larger interest of the nation is a great moment for me. Until today a bank could not be opened in Nepal. Therefore this bank, which is being established under the name of Nepal Bank Limited to fill that, need and to be inaugurated by His Majesty the King, is a moment of great joy and happiness.

The Bank's objectives to render service to the people whether rich or poor and to contribute to the nation's development will also need the support and best wishes of all, which I am confident will be forthcoming.

In that era, very few understood or had confidence in this new concept of formal banking. Rising equity shares were not easy and mobilization of deposits even more difficult. This was evident when the bank floated equity shares worth NRs. 2,500,000, but was successful only in raising NRs. 842,000.

"In the absence of any bank in Nepal the economic progress of the country was being hampered and causing inconvenience to the people and therefore with the objective of fulfilling that need by providing service to the people and for the betterment of the country, this law in hereby promulgated for the establishment of the Bank and its operation"

The total deposits for the first year was NRs. 17,02,025 where current deposits was about NRs. 12,98,898 fixed was about NRs. 3,88,964 and saving was NRs. 14,163. Loan disbursed and outstanding at the end of the first year was NRs. 1,985,000.

From the very conception and its creation, Nepal Bank Ltd, was as joint venture between the government and the private sector. Out of 2500 equity shares of NRs. 100 face value, 40% was subscribed by the government and the balanced i.e. 60% was offered for the sale to private sector. There were only 10 shareholders when the bank first started.

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